What people say...

Patrick Inglis

Creative Director

"Tooday is a game changer. I like being organized, but hate the limitations of paper lists and todo apps. This app is deceptively simple on the surface but it is profoundly different from all the other organizers out there. It quickly became an essential tool that’s made keeping track of things easier and my life more manageable."

Isabelle Roland

Concert Violist

"I am constantly adapting to the needs of my family and work and it was a joy to finally find an app that can keep up with all the change in my life. Tooday is easy to use and incredibly flexible - I can truly offload things into Tooday and get some peace of mind."

Robert Smylie


"With Tooday I can easily link various tasks (or ideas) from different projects to my day. I can drag and drop any task or item anywhere I want, even if I need to move it weeks ahead. The flexibility of Tooday allows me to stay on point and not get overwhelmed. I highly recommend you give it a try!"

Let us help you focus

on what's important

Keeping track of our busy lives takes a lot of effort. We have to juggle a lot of information and constantly adapt to change.
Tooday lets you offload all your thoughts, to-do’s, and appointments with confidence. And with all your information in one place, decision making, scheduling and adjusting to change becomes much easier.
Using Tooday gives you
  • more clarity to make better decisions
  • more energy and less stress
  • more mental space, feel lighter and happier

Our approach

We purposely built Tooday around something familiar - simple lists - using the following principles:
  • make it fast - your tools shouldn't add to your workload or disrupt your flow
  • no limits - we can hold all your info and you can organize it how you like
  • keep it simple and obvious
Tooday is designed to put all your information in one place and eliminate all unnecessary decisions and actions that would impede your workflow.
These thoughts are what motivated us to create Tooday. We hope it brings you more clarity, focus and peace in your life.

Some examples...

Quick voice note...
Go shopping today...
Bigger screens...